
Search and Destroy

The latest edition of S&D, my periodic feature on who's getting here how, highlights two very unique searches. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

What did people think about the OK Bombing at the time it happened? (76th result)
And how did I get rated sixth for the search "Political Cartoons" + Molestation. I mean, that's just wrong...

More S&D:
Divest from Israel T-Shirt. Ri-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight. IR's the 7th result there!

"from the heart of the world: the elder brother's warning". Actually, that's a case of post-modern search results: the reason IR showed up on that search was that someone had reached it in February when searching for "from the heart of the world: the elder brother's warning review questions". In an early edition of S&D I posted that, and it generated this hit; my apologies to whoever's searching for the heart of the world, we hate to disappoint.