

Settlers demonstrated in Israel the day before yesterday. Gaza Strip settlers, no less; these hardy folks go where only a few thousand Israelis have gone before. One of the most densely populated places in the world, and one of the most impoverished, settlers have laid claim to the best land and water supplies, and farm the fertile but tired soil. Now these pioneers are protesting: they want "the strict examinations of Palestinian laborers carried out by the IDF" to stop, because "these made them late and that consequently the produce in the hothouses was being spoiled."

The settlers have become true colonialists. Not only do they want the land and its yield, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of unemployed, starving Palestinians outside, but they don't want their day laborers to be late! Apparently they've forgotten about kicking out all the dirty Arabs, now they want their cheap labor, and they want it now! What about when a day laborer kills his boss, as happened yesterday? Well, ya gotta beat those people down; don't let 'em start thinking that they're your equals. THAT'S where the army comes in - why are they wasting their time frisking the cheap labor and making them late; they should just let 'em in, and carry out bloody reprisals whenever there's an incident. It worked for the British, didn't it? Why can't it work for us?