
Red Letters

Matthew 4:7 In response to Satan:
“You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”

Quoting Deut. 6:16, Christ responds to Satan’s non-contextual use of scripture. Christ basically refused to show off his powers as an idle show of force. This is clearly an example for us; don’t abuse any power God gives for non-kingdom purposes.

4:10 In response to Satan “You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

Now quoting Deut. 6:13, Christ resists Satan’s offer of world domination in return for homage. Christ’s mission is to gain exactly that, but the ends do not justify the means. The passage extends the Deuteronomy prohibition of idol worship to demon or angel worship. Again drawing analogy to modern missions we can never sacrifice our standards to gain an objective. When the church focuses on goals instead of God primarily it tends to succumb to this temptation, i.e. by lowering standards to increase membership or converts.