

Hans Blix, the Swedish reindeer-cum-Chief UN Weapons Inspector, has always had my distrust, disrespect and distaste. He's been known as a world-class wuss in the years he's been in charge of watching Iraq and finding out all there is to know about their weapons of mass destruction. Obviously, he's done a piss-poor job.

He's known as a bureaucrat, unwilling or unable to think outside the box and use ruthless measure to get his info. Basically he's investigating Saddam's regime as if it were the Swedish royal family. However, to the best of my knowledge, Saddam has never had the embarressment of being confused with King Carl at a party.

Anyway, I'm pleased to see in the Post that he's agreed with the U.S. that the Iraqi 12,000 page document "the Iraqi weapons document provided "relatively little . . . evidence" to prove Baghdad's claims to have no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons programs." Don't hold your breath though; I don't think he's going to find anything very dramatic any time soon, whether it exists or not.

But what else would you expect from a reindeer?