

I blame the lack of recent updates on the heat wave that has been slowly crushing the life out of Boston, degree by degree. Since my computer room isn't airconditioned and my bedroom is, I've been finding excuses to avoid what's now quite literally the hot seat. It's not that hot in absolute terms - low 90's most days - but the humidity means every time you're in still air, sweat begins to accumulate on every inch of skin you own, and forms into small rivulets flowing down into your eyes, soaking your clothes, dampening anything you sit on.


Folks from much hotter climates, just remember how little A/C we have here. Most public buildings have some A/C, as does the subway, but most homes rely on window units or mere fans. I've been swimming a lot - each of the last four days, in fact. And by holing up in my bedroom and escaping to the lake or beach you can hide from the heat, but it means that basic tasks (like blogging) don't get done. I've had a hurt toe as my excuse for not running since I came home from England, but with that scratch healed up, I'm faced with the real reason I haven't run: it's sweltering by 7:00 am. Generally I like to get my body going in the morning. Now, I try my hardest to keep my metabolism to a slow crawl, and I drink tall glasses of ice water at regular intervals.

So I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures sometime, somewhere. Until then, I sweat.