
Sputtering Republican

Ali Baba e-mailed me a comment regarding the last post. FYI, I didn't remove the comments; it's just that their server is down until the 9th, supposedly.

Baba writes: The one time i feel like venting my anger in a comment is just after you remove comments AAARRGGHHH?!?!?!

Anyway. Money has a multiplicity of uses. That is what makes it valuable and that is the reason people want it. As Justice Stephens
[sic] points out, at its core money is property, but money stops being pieces of green paper when it can be used for something, the very reason we value it. When used to buy political ads money stops being property and becomes speech. The idea that the government can tell me, a private citizen, that a billboard proclaiming "Howard Dean is an ignorant slut!" is illegal just because Howard Dean is running for president is completely against the text of the first amemdment. As written the first amendment, protects both minorities and unpopular opinions from censorship. At the same time, it protects my right to use my money to buy political ads, which are uncontestedly speech. The idea that there is a magic number which represents too much money being spent on politics (which is the core of your argument) smacks of the typical of the "the government knows what is best for you, so let it tell you how to spend you money" which is typical of all liberal policies.

Ali Baba

PS. Class is strating. Excuse any typos and/or incoherence. I'll take it up with you some other time. Mark my words. This is the worst abrogation of the first amendment in some time. I feel sick.