
Calibrated Cowardice

The Powell Doctrine is dead. Rather than taking a firm stance in fighting a battle we could always win in Falluja, the American administration in Iraq has waffled and wavered, and ultimately has negotiated with terrorists. This type of battle - "calibrated warfare" - will weaken our force's morale and strengthen that of the opposition.

I'm no proponent of civilian casualties, but I really think we have to make an example of the resistance in Falluja. We easily have the military strength to put the city under siege until the sheiks finally cave in and kick the militia out. We should stop all non-food commerce in and out of the city, prevent anyone from moving in or out, and basically lock them down for as long as it takes. Now, I'm no expert in Iraqi society or the cohesion between Falluja and other towns, but I'll wager we can get a lot further by defeating and disarming the enemy than we can by trying to placate and coopt them.