
Illegal, But Who Cares

The International Court of Justice in the Hague will issue an advisory opinion on the illegality of the placement of the barrier Israel has been erecting. Because Israel did not submit to the court's jurisdiction, it's an empty opinion, not a real case, but at least it is well established - by a 14 to 1 decision in the most highly regarded international legal body in the world.

The opinion will be released tomorrow at 4pm Eurotime, but InstantReplay has reliable sources who obtained an early copy, which reads:

"The Court is not convinced that the specific course Israel has chosen for the wall was necessary to attain its security objectives... The wall, along the route chosen, and its associated regime, gravely infringe a number of rights of Palestinians residing in the territory occupied by Israel, and the infringements resulting from that route cannot be justified by military exigencies or by the requirements of national security or public order."

This one is up to the U.S. Only you, Uncle Sam, can prevent human rights abuses and war in the Middle East. But with even the American judge, Thomas Buerghenthal, on the Court selling out to political pressure, it's unlikely that any administration in the next 4 years will give the Palestinians a fair shake at the rights to life, liberty, speech, and property.