
Peace in Central Africa?

Rwandese Hutu guerrillas operating in the DR Congo have responded to a tougher UN presence by surrendering and renouncing the 1994 genocide for the first time. I don't know enough about the Congo conflict to have a truly intelligent opinion, but I do know enough to be skeptical about any apparent positive development.

It's tragic when a news story has to end with a footnote such as the following:
The last invasion in 1998 sparked a wider war, which sucked in six neighbouring countries and led to the deaths of an estimated 3 million people.
What's even more tragic is that the Congo war is not only a footnote to the BBC article, but is a footnote to history. Years from now, more people will remember Terri Schiavo's death, or the deaths of a few thousand in Israel/Palestine, than will remember what was probably the most costly war since Vietnam or Korea, and possibly since World War II. (Source: some guy, who also has an alternate history of the U.S.A. and C.S.A. on his site).