
A Laptop on Every Lap

MIT's Nicholas Negroponte is pioneering an idea I've had for a few years (and he's probably had longer): building very cheap computers for third-worlders. He's aiming his initiative at children, whereas I had thought more of small businesses, but the effect would probably be the same. Check out the story at the CS Monitor.

From an economist's perspective, there are a few key things I would change about Negroponte's idea, especially as pertains to distribution. The idea here is the "Rental Car Principle". If laptops are considered school property and bought and maintained on the government dime, they won't last. Period. Whereas, if people have to buy them - even if the purchase is subsidized - they will take much better care, and won't get one on a whim, but rather to meet a real need. However, anything that gets cheap computers on the market in the third world is a good thing, so go for it, Nick!