

Sorry for the lack of posting - I'm turning to face the strain of Math Camp (and subsequent grad classes), and my time is running wild trying to recover from breaking my cell phone, which I now must admit dependence on. I'm also adjusting to not having an income - with grad school, I certainly ain't gonna be a richer man - and not having easy classes. If I'm gonna stick around here, I'm gonna have to be a different man, at least as far as studying goes, because I've been left up to my neck in math, which is eminently immune to my consultations. But I did find some good radio stations in Rochester yesterday, and finally got my room in order, so I can focus on work instead of chaos. Hopefully I'll have more thoughts next week, but for now all I can leave you with is that while a uniformally continuous function does not have to have a constant slope, it must have a bounded derivative. Apologies to David Bowie.