
Daily Bread For a guy who eats a loaf of pita every day as the staple of his lunch, I've always found it odd that I relate so badly to the line in the Lord's prayer where you say "Give us this day our daily bread." Here's the thing: growing up and living in a society where nobody starves (and no it's not my fault all the knee-jerk Brookline liberals reading this just had heart attacks; go somewhere else and meet the real world), whether kind, cruel, Christian or atheist, it's hard for me to relate to the simple dependency of the supplicant who recognizes that he PHYSICALLY needs God. Sure, the passage has been dumbed down and reinterpreted by some, especially in literature for youth, as referring to spiritual needs. But I'm of the opinion that Jesus generally meant what he said, and doesn't need our help explaining it. Not to say we aren't completely dependent on him for spiritual everything, but if you're praying already you're halfway there (incidentally, that's something I've not been up to par with this week). Even in my own strength, I pretty much have it made by the world's standards. Sure without God I'd live an empty life, but I'd be wealthy in all likelihood, well-educated, etc. So where am I going with this? You guessed it! All the answers you need in life you'll find on your knees. This one, like most recently, is straight from the lower part of my left knee... For two weeks exactly I had to take the T to school and the injury controlled my life. Back on my bike for the first time today, having lost my cycling innocence, I can see how the same injury - or much worse - could happen every day of the week. So though it seems (at least) to me that my food and money supplies aren't in danger, my life as I live it is fragile. I can't control Boston's 2-million strong Bike & Ped Assassination Unit (believe me, I would if I could) or a million other things that affect my physical ability to function in the role I play in society. So now I can pray the Lord's prayer - which is a beautifully simple thing - with a much greater understanding of exactly what dependency is, and one way at least in which I am completely dependent on the will of God.