
Pedro: "No Bickering!!"

From his Santo Domingo winter home, Pedro ripped the Red Sox Syndicated Soap Opera for the team's backbiting, bickering and disrespect all season long. He says ``I don't want gossip or last season's bickering. There will be some changes in Boston or there will be no Pedro Martinez,''. He won't leave, first of all because he's bound by contract, and second of all because even if all they do is send Carl Everett a Christmas card they'll say they've worked themselves to the bone fixing the problems. But I'm glad Pedro spoke out now: November is the best time of the year to say it, and coming from him (a hard working, passionate ballplayer, team leader among Hispanics, very good-natured, and the best pitcher in the majors) it carries weight with everyone. Hopefully the new owners will: FIRE Dan Duquette TRADE Carl Everett for anything they can get LEAVE Mo Vaughn to rot on the west coast (unless they can lose Everett that way) SIGN Roger Cedeno if he's not outrageously expensive KEEP The few prospects we have left ...in my humble opinion....