
Frat Party II

OK, so I know you were all desperately wondering how my first frat party went. Well, I guess it was like all things of the world - average. I still have never encountered an event, location, or activity that gives a rush or a joy equal to the Holy Spirit. This party, hosted by NU's unrecognized Jewish frat, had about 40 guests, and my freshman friend Josh was the main protaganist. He was also the heaviest drinker, as far as I could tell, but he remained cognizant throughout the evening. I left at 12:45, as it was getting to be a drunk party with only a few sober folks left. I almost decided to stay longer, as my friend Alejandra had just arrived with her Brazilian posse, but I had to get up in the morning so I left despite her protests. What passes as dancing today is a pathetic, lewd jiggle with no pretension at art. Actually, there is one pretension, which amused me: before "freak-dancing" the gentlemen offers the lady his hand, and when she places her hand in his, he twirls her under his arm, and proceeds with the orgiastic little event. I don't know why, but way more girls wanted to dance than guys. I guess they just enjoy it.

Anyway, you know it's time to leave a party when you can't keep your mind on the fun and exciting things there, but keep wishing you'd remembered to have a quiet time, or you keep thinking about your next quiet time. Not that I'm well-developed in that department - I'm not! I should be on to solid food at this point, but I still spend most of my time praying simplistically and though when I was a child it was appropriate to think, speak, and pray as such, now that I'm becoming a man I really ought to move beyond my childish ways. So, I probably won't be going to (m)any more parties, but not because I was so incensed or disgusted or above it all. Mostly 'cause I was bored.