
Walk _______ And Carry A Big Stick

Honestly, it's a bad practice to name your enemies. And especially to threaten to invade them. Really, even if you have the U.S. army at your back - if we didn't learn our own vulnerabilities in 2001, what did we learn? Bush's State of the Union address was obviously geared towards the domestic audience, as are most of his actions, but even so, refering to Iran as part of an "axis of evil" is pretty rough. I thought the point was to AVOID World War III, not to win it...

The "Metro" mini-newspaper today reported British queasiness about Bush's speak. A spokesman for Parliament diplomatically noted that "in the U.K., we do not view foreign affairs as a struggle between good and evil." For a president who campaigned on a plank of humility in foreign affairs, Bush has proven woefully arrogant in most of his dealings abroad. He isn't proud in a patronizing way, as Gore would have been, but he's proud in a parochial way, and it's hurt the U.S.'s image and substance worldwide. I like most of Bush's foreign policies, at least outside Israel and Palestine, but I consider his promise of humility (in the second debate) to be a broken promise.