

I like this tactic better than assassinations. Granted it's humiliating, but I respect the right of states to arrest suspected criminals, and though the sovereign status of Palestine is unclear, Israel is definitely the occupying power so it has a right to keep the peace in accordance with the Geneva Convention and other international law. However, in general Israel has run roughshod over Geneva, so this might have to be classified in the "too little, too late" category unless it marks a real change in policy towards lawfulness on the part of the Israeli army. From the article, though it of course has an Israeli bias, it seems that the Palestinians killed were armed, so I have no more sympathy for them than I do for Israeli soldiers who are killed - it's a war, people. But 14 is relatively low given the thousands who have been arrested without anything worse than humiliation and dehydration (hey, you gotta start somewhere) over the past few days.

Now the caveat: If Israel just arrests all these men, detains say half of them, lets the others go, and continues as it was before the arrests, it will have created - and freed - a few thousand hardened enemies of Israel. Forcing a defenseless man to leave his home shames him in front of his family and community, forcing him to stand for hours in the Israeli sun shames him in front of his now-enemies, subsequently releasing him gives him the pride of being right, and all that adds up to one new racist. Any of these guys who didn't hate Israel or Jews before most likely does now, so if Israel doesn't start showing some serious desire for peace it will be in trouble. As much as it flies in the face of civil rights, I also think sending those ruled innocent back to their homes is a mistake. Either throw a lot of money at them, move them and their families to somewhere far away, or keep them in jail (the easiest, but least legal option) where they can't take revenge on Israel for being unjustly imprisoned. Oxymoronic? Yes. But I think peace comes first. I'm rambling now, so I'll shut up...