
They Finally Managed to Get One

The Red Sox helm was handed over this morning to Grady Little, who was the Sox bench coach from 97 to 99 under Jimy, and most recently the Cleveland bench coach.

It's good to hear Larry Luchino say that "the reaction in the clubhouse was jubilant... It was in small part relief, but in large part attributable to Grady Little." If this works out the way they planned it, it'll have the positives associated with those winning years under Jimy, and not the negatives associated with his personality. If the Red Sox don't make the playoffs this year it'll be because of injuries. With the core of proven players they have, I don't think anyone in the Central is going to have a better record, and only Seattle in the West, so they should lock up the Wild Card if not the EAST because this year the Yankees SUCK!

On a personal note, I just got done with Macro Theory and Money 'n' Banking... 3 and a half straight hours of arm-cramping finals. I remember how to work a GDP-deflator (to account for the inflation rate), though I didn't have to do that on the test. The difference is, now I know how to do a GPA-deflator as well, in 2 easy steps:
1 -- Find a class taught by Sir Oscar, the Lone Crusader Against Grade Inflation.
2 -- Click "Enroll".

I went through that process twice this quarter, and I'll be paying for it when grades come in. OK, I don't think I did that bad on the tests, but last time I thought I did well I got a 65. But I definitely did better on the M&B one than my average, since I studied for that almost exclusively out of all my classes. And I almost definitely hurt my average in Macro, but that was good to begin with, so I could still do OK, though an A in either class would really surprise me.