

They aren't too clear on the source, but the NYTimes seems to know quite a bit about Bush's preparations for a speech at the U.N. today. And, based on what they say, Bush is taking precisely the right track. Rather than merely bluster about how bad Hussein is (we all know) or America's right to preemption (a very dangerous concept), he's putting the ball in the U.N.'s court. "President Bush plans to challenge the United Nations today to enforce resolutions it has passed since 1991 requiring Iraq to "unconditionally accept" the destruction of its chemical and biological weapons and nuclear research facilities, according to administration officials. He will warn that if the United Nations fails to act, the United States will step in to force Iraqi compliance."

"Heeding the call of allies that he must operate through the United Nations, aides familiar with the speech said Mr. Bush planned to put the onus on Mr. Hussein and the United Nations itself — and to portray the United States as a reluctant sheriff that will step in only as a last resort." Much, much better. He should have taken this tack from the beginning. Hopefully U.S. allies in the U.N. will see the logic in Bush's rhetoric, and work together to twist Saddam's arm until he coughs up the weapons. Honestly, I still think that from the beginning the Bush administration has had no desire to go to war, and would much rather put a feather in their cap for scaring Saddam into obedience.