
It's Working for Vladimir

My thanks to NYTimes.com for reporting on a new proposal aimed at ending the decade-long struggle in Chechnya. Russia has violently asserted her sovereignty in a war that began over three years ago, after failing to reattach the secesh province in a supremely unpopular war from 1994-96.

This proposal takes the form of a referendum on a provincial constitution that guarantees Russia sovereignty and generously defines the extent of Chechen self-rule. It's a well-timed measure, coming when Russia holds almost all the cards, having demonstrated in the Moscow theatre siege that they were willing to play hardball with Chechen secessionists even at the cost of a few Russian lives. Instant Replay throws its weight behind the referendum, and even more so behind reconstruction efforts which may follow, aimed at bringing Chechnya back into the Russian fold.

Something tells me that Ariel Sharon is watching this all closely. If he thinks he could make the same thing work, he would try it, given half a chance. The strategy is for the state to beat the secessionists so hard they beg for mercy, killing indiscriminately, forcing starvation and chaos on an unforeseen scale. Eventually, people can be broken and beaten. It's working for Vladimir, and it can work for you!