
A-List linkee

The Reverend Al, whose recently created blog The Right Christians is linked by Instant Replay, installed a hit counter three days ago. His first full day he received 180 hits (by comparison, I was getting 30 or 40 before I left for England, and now I'm down to 17 a day). This morning at 3:29a.m. A-List blogger Andrew Sullivan posted an item mentioning and linking The Right Christians. As of 10:58am, the Reverend Al's hit count has reached 726.

Since I began blogging two years ago, I think the influence of the A-List has grown, despite the proliferation of blogs (blogiferation?). Commercial sites are realizing the value of blogs: Bambino's Curse is now published on Fox Sports Net New England, and MSNBC now publishes it's own metablog, Blogspotting and has a sidebar with eight "MSNBC Weblogs", including A-Listers like Glenn Reynolds (thanks to Ali Baba for pointing this out).

Clearly the wider online world, if not the wider world in general, is listening to the groundswell of blogging.