
Cycle of Re-evaluation

What are you building with your life? Are you a sluggard? Who controls your time? What are you pursuing with your life? How is God glorified by your daily activities? What's the point of this activity? Could I be doing something better with my time? What about social justice?

These questions and others have been driving my self-consciousness the last few weeks (and years), and I'm taking the concrete step of backing out of a small group (which was really cool) and thus freeing up my Wednesday nights. I'm also trying to get out of my pointless "Energy and Environment" class. More importantly, I'm thinking about the social situations where I spend my valuable free time. Who do I want to hang out with? Do I need to be in "the crowd"? I'd really rather not think about this stuff. What I want is just to live - to wake up in the morning, to worship God, to work, and to be with friends and family without constantly examining myself. Postmodernism has gotten the better of me. Whereas the glory of God and the gospel of Christ deserve my constant attention, self-analysis does not. There's a place for it, but it's like a bad song playing in your head day in, day out, and wears down your motivation with questioning. Lord, let my mind dwell fully on you, and let my own pursuits fade, since they are but a passing fancy in comparison to the everlasting glory that is to be revealed.