
Packing for Heaven

I was given a map, and instructed to hike from base camp to the summit, where I would find the rest of my team waiting for me. Besides the map I had very little, and I set about preparing myself for the journey. A compass was a necessity, as not all the trails were marked, according to a note on the map. The inclemence of the weather prompted me to head down to REI and pick up a few more staples: lightweight poncho, non-cotton socks, and a wide-brim hat (which looks really cool, I must admit). To top it off, I threw a fleece vest and my double-layer parka in my bag; nothing New England has to offer could beat me now. The scale was not noted on the map, I recalled (by now the map is in the bottom of my bag, and I'd rather not fish for it to verify), so really didn't know how long to expect. It couldn't be more than a day though, so I didn't need sleeping gear, but I might well need to eat a full meal on the trail. I raided the kitchen while my Mom was out: trail mix, dried fruit, crackers, a can of tuna, granola bars, two water bottles and a banana (for potassium on the drive over). Now, I'm not superstitious about most things (baseball and theatre are exceptions, and I do that just for fun), but I like to do things right. It's not that I've ever needed my jackknife on a hike, but I sure don't need it other times. Besides, it kills two birds with one stone. I get to "Be Prepared" like any good ex-scout, and I get to tap into the sentimentality of the outdoors: my friend Adam and I traded leather jackknife cases when he moved away 10 years ago. My knife is always handy in its case on my belt, and it's a comfort to know it's there. I wish I had a similar way to keep track of maps - I'm still working on that. Lastly, boots are key; I wouldn't dream of hiking in anything but my Filene's Basemant Timberland's with the unmatching laces. When I walked around England and Wales this summer, I think that was in fact the only pair of shoes I brought, and I wore them every day in Rwanda too. Now my packing is complete, if only I could find that stupid map! I always forget where I put things... anyway, I can hike without a map, right? After all, I'm well equipped.

Let this not be you, rather embody Philippians 3:12-14.