
Introducing: Beth's PatSox

Cheers to Bambino's Curse for the link to another excellent Red Sox (and Patriots) fan blog. Author Beth has an engaging writing style and good, caustic Boston anger. That's what I like to see in a woman! Here are a few excerpts:

I think ultimately Joe Spurr put it best when he said affectionately of Manny: "He's like a little autistic kid running around." That's my new take on Manny--he's kind of a hitting savant...And hey, I can relate to that.

"They are freaking out at nyyfans.com," one poster to BC said today. So I cruised on over and checked it out. "...it's a 4 game series in April for whatever that's worth, glad it was us that won the 3 though..." That was posted by gehrig38. And we all know who that is. Shouldn't there be some rule about fraternizing--nay, even reassuring--the enemy?

Go on over y'self and check out her latest post, "Fear and Loathing" - I can't do it justice in bits and pieces.