
Down With Children

Politics and children shouldn't mix. Former Senator Gary Hart writes in his book on grand strategy in the 21st century that the federal government should be fiscally responsible...so we can give children health care!?!? How is that going to make us more secure? I don't feel secure when I'm surrounded by healthy children!

Now that motherhood and apple pie are out of style, we have "children" as the political shibboleth. What about the mechanics, the truck drivers, the short order cooks and the accountants? The retirees, the old maids, the divorcees, and the college students? Why do children get billing above the rest of the populace?

Children are dirty, annoying, and contribute zilch to short-term economic growth. They don't make the nation more secure, they don't move technology forward, they display significantly less intelligence than the rest of the population, they spread disease, they can't find Spokane on a map (let alone Saskatoon) and they're cultural ignoramii. And they are the most favored interest group among all levels of government?
