
A New Obstacle

Ariel Sharon's government is raising a new obstacle to a lasting peace. Rather than freezing or dismantling settlements, they are looking to perform one of the greatest expansions in settlement history, adding 3,500 units to Maale Adummim, a Jerusalem suburb built on stolen Palestinian land. The idea is to fill in the space between the existing settlement and other Jerusalem neighborhoods (also built on stolen land, and annexed). This will make Maale Adummim itself more secure, but everything else - both Palestinian and Israeli - will become less secure.

One of these days, the U.S. needs to enforce its agreements with Israel as it does so zealously with other countries. Until then, we will continue to be dragged along into unwise policies that do no good to the U.S. and earn us enemies. Tolerating Israel's abbrogration of its peace agreements is the #1 best way to get suicide bombers to attack America. Fools.