
Belgium Advances to the Finals!

In other international baseball news, InstantReplay's correspondent/mother reports from Kutno, Poland:
In nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat action over the last seven days, Belgium All-Stars have beat Austria 8 to 2, Poland 10 to 9, Germany 12 to 6, Belarus 11 to 1, and today in extra innings, Ukraine 8 to 7. We lost miserably to Netherlands on Sunday, 13 to 0.

Netherlands has yet to lose a game and we will play them tomorrow for the championship game, 8:00 Friday evening. They are big, they are strong -- I believe to win we need prayer.

Today Barnabas was in clutch situations twice, key moments that could have turned/won the game & he hit the ball both times but was thrown out. He needs a BIG hit.
This is similar to the scenario that played out last year: the Netherlands beat Belgium in the first round, but the Sprout-Eaters triumphed in the final, sending them to Michigan for the Junior League world championships. If that is repeated this year, I'll be thrilled for my brother, but also a little disappointed: he'd have to skip our planned 2-city, 4-playoff-contending-team baseball road trip at the end of this month.