
FLI Lowered

The Washington Post reports today that the France Loathing Index has been lowered. And I quote...

With hostilities in Iraq winding down, the U.S. State Department has officially lowered the France Loathing Index (FLI) to Disdain from Abhorrence. The FLI serves as a convenient reminder to U.S. citizens on the current state of Franco-American relations.

Secretary of State Colin Powell said the lower FLI level means, for example, that it's okay to order French toast in a restaurant, but still advisable to point to the item on the menu rather than request it aloud.

"The lower FLI is based on a dropoff of so-called 'chatter' about France," said Mr. Powell. "If this continues, Americans can look forward to another reduction to the 2001 level of Shun. Of course, every American gets nostalgic for the times when we didn't give France a thought. It was just one of dozens of countries where they don't talk right, and they eat disgusting things."

Clearly this represents an improvement in Franco-American relations. This is clearly tied to France's call for lifting the sanctions against Iraq. Russia, who doesn't want to see Iraq's oil flowing any time soon, wants to keep sanctions on until we've searched every home, automobile, pile of rocks, and body cavity in the Middle East. Powell's half-joking remarks are still undiplomatic, even in the context, and frankly they surprise me. Thanks to DJN for pointing out this article in his last comment.

See also: A video clip of Powell on the subject of France, thanks to the BBC.