War Update
Massacres occurred in the mineral-rich (but dirt poor) Ituri province of the Democratic Republic of Congo last week. A thousand people were slaughtered in fifteen villages in one area, some by bullet and some by machete. The many participants in the bloody Central African Wars of the past decade have perfected the art of popular genocide; using weapons of minimal destruction to horrible ends. The result has been the disintegration of much of the world's most at-risk continent, the facilitated spread of AIDS, and a generation that is scarred by perpetrating and being subjected to massacres such as this.I hope that insha'allah going to Rwanda this summer will help me better understand this heartnumbing conflict and touch a few of the lives there. God has given me a heart to pray for healing - physical healing. This is something that is taking a lot of faith for me to pray for, but if God chooses to act as a healer through the team this summer, I will be the most amazed man alive.
Thanks to NYTimes.com for their reportage on a conflict that makes the Arab-Israeli conflict look like an Arkansas family feud by comparison.
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