
Alright, Baby

Two quick Red Sox anecdotes from my sister Keziah. She stopped by Fenway before the game today on her walk back from school, and watched the players arriving in their fabulous car.

So Kez camps out along the fence, peering through a gap in the canvas, watching her heroes dismount their noble steeds. Manny Ramirez walks right in front of her, so she says, "Go get 'em, Manny!" He turned and replied, "Alright, baby".

A little later, Jeff Suppan arrives (fresh off his latest poor pitching performance), and goes into the clubhouse. After a minute, he comes back out, walking with a maintenance worker. They each were pulling a dolly, and Suppan asks the worker, "So tell me, how many major league baseball players help you deliver Coke bottles?"

We're all going to the game tonight - and hoping that the weather and the Red Sox bat get a little warmer!