
Retreating from New Hampshire

I need a vacation from my vacation. This weekend was the Real Life Fall Retreat, which was way too stressful to be considered a break from anything. There was a lot of emotional drama throughout our group, and not a lot of sleep throughout anything. On the other hand, the worship and teaching times were a real blessing, and in that sense I got a lot out of the trip. On the whole, however, it wasn't nearly as resting or reviving as a weekend spent at home would have been. In a sense I'm glad I went, but only in the sense that I don't unwish anything that's happened in my past - it all happened, and to learn that it hadn't really happened would be rather unsettling (incidentally, I know almost precisely how that feels). So, if I were to give advice to myself a week ago, I'd say "don't go". But now, I won't second-guess myself, which as most of you know is something I very rarely do.