
Go Dean!

I hope Dean wins the Democratic nomination for three principle reasons:

1. We won't have to suffer any of the nine Dem fools for four years.
2. The election will be monumentally entertaining.
3. Reality-challenged liberals will come out of the woodwork and be exposed for the political nutcases they are. Exhibit A is someone commenting on Dean's Blog For America:

Donna in Evanston writes: Stay on course. The Bush administration is the most corrupt in the history of this country. Nothing has changed. Bush must go.
Yes, Donna you are absolutely correct. Bush is worse than Harding, Nixon and even Clinton.
Bush should be tried in The Hague for crimes against humanity. I think Bush is responsible for poverty, cancer and most of the WB's crappy programming.
And besides maybe this is all staged just like the moon landing.
Posted by k73 at December 14, 2003 11:34 AM

Or is that just a clever G.O.P. sneak, like the one who wrote "Clinton got Elian Gonzalez, Bush Got Saddam Hussein"?

Thanks to Mac for the link. Political splutter is a high form of entertainment.