
Zellin' it Like It Is

Democratic Senator Zell Miller just finished speaking in New York City. The Kerry Campaign Headquarters are still shaking from the blast. Miller, a good-old-fashioned Truman Democrat played on the themes that the Republicans have been founding all convention long: security and family. He denounced the Democratic Party's current partisanship, and recalled many instances of bipartisan foreign affairs during the Cold War. To me, the most powerful part of the speech was the litany of "nay" votes by Kerry on various weapons systems. He called it "auctioning off America's national security", and it stands in my mind as the single most damning piece of evidence in the case against Kerry's commitment to security. If Zell's speech registers in Muskegon, Reading, Dayton, Duluth, Augusta, Las Cruces, Davenport, Orlando, Hannibal, and Portsmouth with all the fury and passion that I saw on my TV set, then Kerry could be fighting some serious fires after this convention.

After the unsettling (to the Democrats) bouncelessness following the Democratic Convention, I predicted that the polls would be flat until the Republican Convention, after which Bush would bounce up and never look back.

InstantReplay called it last week - a relative landslide in November - and we're sticking to our story.