
Tongue in Cheek: My Scar From the War on Terrorism Yes. I do. I have a scar from the War on Terrorism. True I'm not in the army, but neither was Mohammed Atta or any of the other Evil Ones. If you want to get all technical on me, well it's actually not even a war, by the proper definition (a war is a war when Congress says so, and not a day sooner. And since there's no enemy state we can't declare war on them). So anyway, as I was doing my Sacred Patriotic Duty to Buy Things and Go On With Life As Usual, I was injured by a dangerous terrorist (he must be a dangerous terrorist - he was a foreigner and just look what he did to me, an American Warrior on Terror! An attack on one is an attack on all...). So anyway, I survived the terrorist attack on my bicycle and I. It seems they must be trying to force us into cars where we'll be dependent on Middle Eastern oil - if we're scared to fly and scared to bike, what else are we going to do but drive??? As I said, I survived the attack, but I bear a scar now from the War on Terrorism!! I will proudly bear my knee to any who want to see what incredibly evil terrorists and subtly nationalistic propoganda can do to you.