
Can I See Your I.D.?

I like state I.D.s. Keep the Feds out of this field, please. Call me paranoid, but I'm on page 393 of "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee", and my trust in the U.S. (or any) government is at ebb tide. OK sure, they wouldn't start rounding us up yet; at least not until they were reasonably sure they had every person fingerprinted and cataloged. Governments cannot be trusted. Neither, for that matter, can computer security measures. A big database of everything about everyone would be Target #1 for the Uberhackers. So this preposterous - and it is at this point - idea floated in Geneva of fingerprinting the world is obviously a scary proposition. Never mind the Apocalyptic side of it, the notion that the UN could have everyone's fingertips at their fingertips is tantamount to empowering global dictatorship and/or blackmail and would be a massive civil rights abuse. OK, I'm not worked up. This is so far from happening it's not even funny. But do not let September 11 lull us into a false sense of security - security in government, that is. Just because almost all States (ie, India, not Indiana) are allies in fighting terror doesn't mean they are good people or friends by any stretch. Allowing ourselves to fall backwards into the arms of government, especially world government, is like drowning ourselves in putting out a fire.

On A Related Note.
The party lines in the US are drawn along coalition, not ideological, lines. Really the libertarians are the one group with a well-defined ideology to which they are loyal across the board. For the life of me I can't figure out the Democrats: Since when does Big Government equate with Civil Rights?!?! The two are antithetical!! I guess the answer is that Big Government in the 60's beat up racist Little Big Governments in the southern states, but it's not a very satisfactory ones. I guess the same thing happened in the Other Civil Rights Movement (1861-1865), when the Republicans stood for Big Government and Civil Rights. In the same way, they used Big Government to break the racist Governments in the South. It wasn't democracy, and it was very Big Governmenty, as was the post-war Reconstruction. But at the same time they were protecting Civil Rights. Hmmm... maybe my thesis is wrong and big Government is good. But that same logic would say that Democracy is bad, since the majority of Southerners wanted to continue slavery and later on to continue segregation.
As a Christian, I would say this all points out the fact that Democracy can help people make decisions, and government can help people carry out those democratic decisions, but neither institution can help people make the RIGHT decisions. That is a matter of the heart, and as we know, the human heart is very fickle. A second warning (two in one post!) is to not think that you are more civilized than the civilized Americans who butchered Cheyenne at Sand Creek or the civilized Germans who pulled triggers and levers to exterminate millions of "lower races."

When will my generation realize how hypocritical they're going to look in history books for justifying the massive abortion industry by saying that the victims are not human? DOES THAT ARGUMENT RING ANY BELLS????? The West's civilized society, which we are currently exporting through the UN and many other means (and now magnanimously endowing on the savage barbarians in Afghanistan) has a death count of 40 million in the United States alone. And that's a Civil Right? A woman has a right to choose: abstinence or sex, condom or pill, but does she really have a right to end life because it's dependent on her? Does that mean any parent can kill any dependent, regardless of Birth Status? I'm just glad I turned 18 before that became legal...