
Bambino's Curse Archive...let's for a moment presume that there really is a Curse. The point is not that a spirit from another realm, i.e., Babe Ruth's ghost, is gumming up the works for the Sox. That's small-scale, ancestor-worship type stuff. What we are talking about with the Red Sox is cosmological. As I've said before, it's Yahweh (the all-powerful Creator of the Universe) who has it in for the Sox. This, I think, is indisputable. I mean all you would have to say is ''Game 6.'' Only a God who would punish wrongdoing unto the ''third or fourth generation'' could come up with creative punishment like that.

Hmmm... I think this aptly sums up Christian singleness:
m d zelie: But that doesn't stop me from wanting to wrap my arms around a girl and take evening strolls and go to movies--man, am I missing out or what?
m d zelie: Apparently God doesn't think so.

It's a very odd dichotomy, and we don't like to admit it, but we're really never sure when and how to begin dating/courting/whatever you call it. At least, that's for those of us who haven't begun. And those who have, I suspect (and I know, in a few cases), are never really sure whether they should have begun when and how they did. I'll keep you posted if the answer to all our questions is suddenly written on the sky or something, but don't hold your breath. Just remember that tension is good, and if we never had to give anything up, we'd basically be infants, like some people I know.