
I Must Say

I must say that I consider the following a truly inspired piece of writing by Jonathan the Just and Unkissuptoable:

Say hello to your judge everybody (applause)

Please send me a link to your blogs so I don't have to hassle myself copying the web addresses. I'll send out preliminary comments when you write me back. Other commments will be forthcoming whenever I deem it worthy to share my thoughts. (probably twice a week or something)

I'll base my comments and ratings on a number of standards inlcuding but not limited to general appearance, content, title, number of hits/day, and number of updates.

All grades are based on the judge's discretion. I do have a fragile psyche and may "feel pressured" to change my decision especially if money is involved (I'll be sending all of you a self-adressed stamped envelope) hint hint..

That's all and may the best man/women(person, I guess) win.

Judge Jonathan