
Brothers Only

OK, I can understand why the black community on campus likes having the African-American Institute, which is a small building that has study rooms, offices, meeting places, etc, devoted to black students and staff. However, when you have an outdoor barbeque in Centennial Commons, it's generally understood to be an open event: everybody going to class on that side of Campus or going to West Village has to walk right through it. If you want a private barbeque, there are plenty of more secluded locations on campus. And when you are a racially-defined group, it doesn't come off well to exclude non-members.

Just imagine if there was a white-student-organizations-only barbeque out on Centennial; that might spark riots! And while I'm not bitter, and I don't think it's a big deal, it's really bad for your image when you "filter out" all the non-blacks.