

Welcome to "Semicrazy" - you have the honor of being the first Arabic language blog I've ever linked to (or seen)... keefa naqool "blog" fii al-arabia? La astatia an aktub hon fiha, wa fi al-haqiqa la astatia an iqra' "bloguk"... In any case, ahlan wasahlan! I don't know if your text will be legible to my readers at home, but here at AUB it comes through fine... like I said, the Arabic is too complicated for me, but I might sit down for an hour and puzzle through a post of yours when I have the time. Oh, and I responded to your question on the previous post.

Another note... Praise God for news I got from South Africa via Norway today. An out-of-touch old friend, I heard from an in-touch-with-both-of-us friend, was healed of a cancerous brain-tumor today... "So I don't know much details yet. The only thing I got a chance to hear before the connection was cut was that, with the condition she was in with the cancer, she shouldn't have been alive now. The doctors are confused and don't know what's going on!" So I guess that cancels the prayer request she mailed out this morning...