
Vive la Liberte!

Normally I'm a fairly patriotic person. I support my country, and I support my country's historic allies. No matter how misguided and racist and elitist the generations of the past were, they got it right enough that they left the door open for their children and grandchildren to outlaw racism, to integrate schools, and to give the vote to all. It's when those changes are reversed by supposedly "enlightened" people that it disturbs me.

A new law, reported in the Washington Post, outlaws the wearing of Muslim veils in high schools -- and it's supported by the President! This supposedly supports "equality". Now, tell me if I'm missing the point, but I thought that the whole point of civil rights, non-racism, and religious freedom was that we accept people who are different from us. Now they're telling us that you must be conformist to be equal, and that religion is a private matter that shouldn't leave the home. That's true, if you are an agnostic. But for the rest of us, religion informs every part of our daily lives. This law is so bad, so bad I can't find words to fisk it. It's not the end of history, it's the end of freedom.

Laws abridging the right of citizens to practice their religion... just one more reason to hate the French.