
I've Got Rhythm

Alright, once those of you who have heard me try to clap stop guffawing I'll get on with the post.

You done?

Wait for it... OK, now you can laugh. What I am gaining some rhythm in is daily life, and that's key. It's vital to my sanity, I have found, to have a cadence and credible expectations of what I'm going to be doing for how long. I can do stuff for 14 hours on a given day without being exhausted as long as I know it's coming. It's surprise work that kills ya. What with getting a new job last month and not having all my schedule final until last week, it was difficult to get into any kind of rhythm in January. Also, the cold weather made it tough to do anything - a simple trip to NU became a mental ordeal on some of the worst days. Now, with spring arriving (it was a steamy 35 today!) and my schedule settling down, I've become a lot more prepared for each day and more aware of what I need to be doing. The one thing not yet in my rhythm is, unfortunately, one of the most important. Somehow, I need to figure out when I'm going to have quiet times, and I think it's got to be at a different time each day because of my shifty schedule.