
News Digest: Aloha, Dennis

The Washington Post reports that Kucinich is focusing his efforts on Hawaii in an effort to win a single state. He has no chance in Ohio (though he could be a spoiler for Dean). A win (or at least a decent showing) would prove that Kucinich has appeal to voters from the far corners of America: he took 16% of the vote in Maine.

Quoted in the Post, Dennis proves why people don't vote for him. I mean, can you take a guy seriously who says, and I quote, "Now, granted, I'm back in the pack, but so was Seabiscuit". And honestly, can you imagine a guy who was a child star as the mascot for MAD Magazine becoming president?

More relevantly, the Post mentions the elephant in the (Democratic) room. Kerry "does not mention how he, as senator, supported the president on all four issues, helping cement in law what he often describes as flawed government policies." Those of us who are Kerry critics have known all along that he was just like Bush on the issues (except some important things like abortion) - see my post from September 2nd, entitled "JFK or GWB?". The Post continues: "Already, Bush's political team is compiling laudatory remarks Kerry has made about White House policies and might spin some of them into television ads defending the president, according to Bush campaign officials. "When he makes the case against things he voted for, it highlights the fact he's hypocritical," said Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie."