
Passion Central

Here's some links on Mel Gibson's film "The Passion" which has been generating a public debate that is taking prime-time TV away from Kerry, Edwards, Dean, Iraq and everyone else.

The Passion of the Christ official site.
Washington Post article on Gibson's ABC interview and the prep for the film.
Fan website, with lots of helpful material.
Passion promotional materials, official site.
Christianity Today special section on the movie.
About.com on Atheism, with links to a tons of articles.
Anti-Defamation League (so concerned with The Passion that it was the focus of their recent meeting).

I watched much of the ABC interview tonight, and one moment hit me in the gut. They showed a close-up of Christ's exposed hands, with a nail poised, held in place by a hand, waiting for a mallet to drive it through the flesh. "When asked who killed Jesus, Gibson said, "The big answer is, we all did. I'll be the first in the culpability stakes here."" The left hand, the hand holding the nail, is Gibson's own. Many directors put themselves in bit parts, if only to fill an empty slot. However, the message Gibson sends by putting himself - his left, sinister, hand - as the one to crucify Christ is a powerful one.