
Who's leaning on the thermostat?

It's getting wicked hot down here in D.C.! I guess I've just got to get used to the heat and humidity, but it was as hot today as it ever gets in Boston, at least if you include the unbearable humidity. I tried to have my lunch outside, but it was just too hot so after 20 minutes I adjourned to the National Geographic Museum. I'm now hoping to use these exorbitantly long D.C. lunches to see all the musea in the District, since they're all free. The NG museum was unimpressive - it lacks serious information, instead settling for unengaging photos with inane captions, proving boring to both children and adults. But it's free. NG also goes hog wild with evolutionism; from a purely scientific point of view their brief, glib statements on the theory are downright irresponsible. They also said that creationism was a "Victorian notion", which is absurd no matter what you think of creationism. But it's free.

Anyway, I'm moving tomorrow and I'll have my new address then. Work continues to be boring and manual, and until our internet service gets up and my lucky co-worker comes back from Egypt it's unlikely to change much. I hope that all my readers are in good health, and I'd love to get an email from any or all of you!