
No News is No News I know that title runs counter to both the catchy phrase and the hysterical whinings of the world's pessimists, but I really have to say I think no news is no news. I'm refering to the War on Terrorism, where (besides the reported capture of Mazer e-Sherif by the Northern Alliance) we really haven't heard much about goal-attainment on the major fronts: Taliban control, bin Laden's whereabouts, etc. The pessimists of the world think the lack of major updates means we're losing the war and Kabul has already been renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The government is keeping it's cards close to its chest and offering trite reminders to go about our lives like normal (since we're just as likely to be killed opening mail at home as being gassed at the mall) and spend lots of money. But I'm not going to commit to either the "V for Victory" or the "V for Vietnam" camp just yet: it ain't over till the fat lady sings, and she hasn't even woken up yet! Come mistah Taliban And turn ovah bin Laden Payload come, An' me wann' go home!