
Pardon My French, but...

What the hell does Ariel Sharon think he's doing?!?!?! Since when can a democratic government kill opponents without trial? It's not like these people are fugitives from justice; many of them would be acquitted in courts, or perhaps sentanced briefly. And then Israel thinks the world should be angry when one of their most racist politicians gets assassinated?! In the latest bout of spitting in the face of justice, Sharon sent helicopters to take out the car of a "suspected Islamic militant" (source: AP) or an "Islamic Jihad leader" (source: Jerusalem Post) or a "militant from the Islamic Jihad, Mohammed Sidr" (source: Israel Radio, via the New York Times).
OK, so Mohammed Sidr is no Israeli or American role model. He's spouted vitriol and probably done plenty of illegal stuff, maybe even deserving death. But he also deserves a fair trial. And the 3-year old and 13-year old boys who were accidentally killed in the attack certainly didn't deserve it. And the 6 people other than Sidr whe were wounded? Wouldn't it have been easier to menacingly land the helicopters in the road, hold up the car, pull out a warrant for the arrest of Sidr and incarcerate him? Sure Jihad would have been mad, but no one else would end up dead.
All I'm saying is a police state is better than an army state.