
Jose, Jose quite Contreras, how does your slider throw?

I doubt that I'm alone when I say that, as a Boston fan, I've been befuddled by the hype surrounding Jose Contreras. I mean honestly, isn't he just another #4 starter, who would be a #4 starter not only in the Evil Empire but almost anywhere in the league (except Boston, where he'd be #5)? He's been downright terrible every time we've seen him, and I find myself wondering if George III has lost his touch.

Apparently, here's why: the Smokin' Cuban Cigar is 0-3 with an 18.00 career ERA against the Red Sox. His ERA against the rest of the league? A #1 starteresque 7-1 with a 2.38 ERA. So maybe this pitcher does have some value, though he got beaten up by the other Sox (from Chicago) in between his two very short starts against Boston. And don't tell me his poor showing against Boston is just a function of this year's strugglings - he's succeeded in bringing his ERA down six points after two appearances at Fenway last year.