
All Quiet on the Western Front

There's a reason this blog has been pretty quiet of late: it reflects my life. Besides graduating from Northeastern over the weekend (theoretically; I didn't actually attend graduation), I haven't accomplished a whole lot the past week. I'm tired, the weather is wet, the Sox are losing, and I don't have a job yet.

International news is dominated by the war in Iraq, which looks more like Vietnam every day, and the foreign media is just as ridiculous and biased as the American media, so there's not much that's good to read. Bush and Kerry seem to be running into the hard facts of early campaigning: people just don't care yet. Not until summer vacations are over and the leaves start to fall will swing voters pay any attention to either candidate. Most who have not already passed judgement on the Iraq War are reserving it for after the June 30th deadline. I have to put myself in that same category - not that my vote counts, but I know I can't vote for Kerry, and I'm having trouble convincing myself to vote for the current Big Spender.

I've got the next two days off from work; hopefully I'll get some quality reading done.